
Vendor Integration

Currently only works with SanMar and AlphaBroder
To ensure that you have Vendor Integration enabled correctly, review this article

You can submit a purchase order electronically to certain vendors using the Real Time Integration button, which is visible at the top of the window when you have the Purchase Order open: First of all, make sure that you have entered the Ship To address correctly:

Next, click on Real Time Integration

The Real Time Order Processing window will come up. Click on Start Wizard

FastManager will scan your purchase order and query the vendor to check if there is stock available, then display the results:

You can click on the + to see a list of warehouses that have stock available of each item on the PO
Most vendors will first try to fulfill the entire order from the warehouse nearest your specified Ship To address. If they are unable to fulfill the entire order from the nearest warehouse, they will try to fulfill the entire order from the next nearest warehouse. Only if they are unable to fulfill the entire order from a single warehouse, will they split-ship from multiple warehouses. Finally, if they are unable to fulfill the entire order at all, they will ship what they have and place the remainder on back order.
“The ability to specify a warehouse tp ship from is unavailable at the time of this writing, but may be added in the future”

To proceed, click on Next

Select your preferred ship method. You can also save that ship method as the default. Click on Next

Finally, click on Send Order to submit the Purchase Order to the vendor.

Depending on the size of the order, it may take several minutes to be completely submitted. Once it's done, the Confirmation Number will be displayed on the PO, as well as the Expected Date (that the goods will arrive)