
View Existing Catalog items

Go to Edit -> Catalog Items

Then click on the yellow folder icon to open an existing item

Catalog Item Maintenance

Main Buttons

The main buttons at the top will allow you to:

For more information about the barcode button and what that does, see: Entering Inventory

General Information

The General Information section will show you some basic information about the current item:

Calculate cost and retail

The Calculate cost and retail block at the upper right will allow you to choose how you want FastManager to determine or locate cost and retail pricing for the item:

For more information about using the markup tables, see: Catalog Item Pricing

Price Grid

The grid at the bottom displays all the current cost & retail pricing for the item at each of several quantity breaks:

The blue numbers next to the cost or retail price indicate the Quantity Break

The use last cost checkbox, if checked, will instruct FastManager to use the “End Column” (the column called: Cost 8 ) to calculate retail pricing when using a markup.

If `Enter own cost and retail` is selected, the `use last cost` checkbox is irrelevant.

General Information

The General Information section will show you some basic information about the current item:

Calculate cost and retail

The Calculate cost and retail block at the upper right will allow you to choose how you want FastManager to determine or locate cost and retail pricing for the item:

For more information about using the markup tables, see: Catalog Item Pricing

Price Grid

The grid at the bottom displays all the current cost & retail pricing for the item at each of several quantity breaks:

The blue numbers next to the cost or retail price indicate the Quantity Break

The use last cost checkbox, if checked, will instruct FastManager to use the “End Column” (the column called: Cost 8 ) to calculate retail pricing when using a markup.

If `Enter own cost and retail` is selected, the `use last cost` checkbox is irrelevant.