Table of Contents

Create A New Custom Item

On the Catalog Item Maintenance screen you can:

You can also add a new catalog (or delete an existing one) from: Edit -> Catalogs

New Custom Item

Open the Catalog Item Maintenance screen:

If you enter the name of a catalog which does NOT already exist, FastManager will create that catalog for you - on the fly.

If you open any existing item, then change either the Code , Description or Catalog - FastManager will make a copy of that item

Now enter or select:

Miscellaneous Charges“ should not be confused with the Additional Charges that you might add to your embellishment (design)

To specify colors and sizes for this item, UNCHECK the box: No colors or sizes then click on: Colors and Sizes

Copy Existing Item

On the Catalog Items screen, open any existing item

Custom Catalogs are a great way to add ASI items

How to add a missing vendor catalog

If you can supply us with the vendor's catalog data in a spreadsheet that is laid out closely to the sample provided below, then we can provide that data for you to import through the program.

The spreadsheet must contain at least the following information:

The following is optional, but recommended:

Download the sample layout here: