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Maintenance Tasks

Reinstalling FastManager

First, go to Windows Control Panel → “Programs” and UNinstall FastManager Updates

If you are unable to do this, or it is a new computer, simply follow the normal install steps from the beginning

After that, also uninstall FastManager

Then reboot the computer and follow the normal install steps from the beginning.

Don't forget to Update after (re)installing

Moving FastManager

On the old computer (the one being replaced)

First, make a note of the path to your Company Database, your Serial Number, and the program version number:

Next, deauthorize the computer:

In FastManager, go to HelpReset License

You can do this on ANY computer that has FastManager installed.
Doing this will actually reset all your licenses,
  • Existing installs will automatically re-verify in the background the next time that FastManager is restarted. But any unused licenses will be available so that you can register any new installs

On the new computer:

Follow the normal install steps from the beginning.

Don't forget to Update after (re)installing

Update FastManager

The process for updating FastManager is simply a matter of downloading the update from our updates page, and then installing it on the computer:

  • Go to and check on the home page under the Latest Update announcement (to the right of the page

  • Then click on the link to be taken to the downloads page
  • From there you can download the latest update

  • Locate the file fastmanagerupdate_201xxx.exe in your downloads folder

  • double-click the file to start the install process
  • accept all the defaults
  • reboot if prompted
If you have FastManager installed on multiple computers, it is important that you update all of them to the same Revision Number

Moving The Database